Leak Testing Blog

The Beginner’s Guide to Leak Testing – Part 4b: Essentials of Leak Testing Instruments and Equipment

Written by Joe Pustka | Sep 19, 2024 7:13:11 PM

As we discussed in part 4a of the leak testing guide, there are many features and options with leak instruments that can become overwhelming when trying to figure out which ones provide value for your lab and testing environment. During part b of the guide, we will continue our review of the features that we believe are most important and valuable for leak testing by focusing on the rear view of the Qualitek mR

Continuing Our Drive Into the Qualitek mR Functions and Features

As a recap from part 4a, the Qualitek mR is a versatile leak instrument designed for accurate and reliable detection of leaks across diverse applications. With the Qualitek mR’s enhanced capabilities, it is the ideal instrument solution for high-volume and precision leak testing needs. Let’s continue to explore one of our top pressure decay instruments, the Qualitek mR.

1. Power Functionality


On the rear side of the instrument,  you’ll find the on/off switch, fuse, and 24VDC supply input connection. These functions all seem pretty standard for any instrument or product, but the best feature here is the 24 VDC power supply. The Qualitek mR utilizes a 24VDC power supply adapter, which allows forthe instrument to be easily integrated with automated systems that frequently require 24VDC communication. In addition to the ease of integration, the 24VDC also improves instrument sensitivity and noise, which enhances accuracy and performance during leak testing.  

2. Pressure Regulator

The pressure regulator controls or regulates the incoming air supply to the instrument. For the Qualitek mR, the air pressure is regulated manually by rotating the knob on the rear side of the instrument. With the manual adjustment for the air pressure, the pressure required for testing can be controlled more accurately to ensure the correct pressure is being applied during testing The Qualitek mR is equipped with dual pressure capabilities, enabling the use of multiple pressure ranges to enhance testing efficiency and throughput.  

The Qualitek mR can also be configured with an electronic pressure regulator (e-reg) instead of a manual pressure regulator. With this configuration, the pressure regulator would be positioned inside of the instrument and the back external ports would be plugged off.  The e-reg configuration provides an extra level of efficiency and operation ability during leak testing because the instrument will electronically adjust the air pressure. 
Both are excellent options for air pressure control during testing. When deciding which option is best for you and your laboratory, many factors are important to review with the product or part specifications and requirements being the most important. The product or part volume and maximum leak rate will aid in determining which pressure regulator configuration is best for you. 

3. Filter or Mist Seperator

The filter or mist separator is designed to remove moisture, oil, and particulate contaminants from the air supply, ensuring clean and dry air reaches the system. Contaminants such as oil, water, or dust can cause significant damage to sensitive components like transducers and valves, leading to malfunctions, decreased accuracy, or complete system failure. By effectively filtering these impurities, the filter prolongs the lifespan of the pneumatic components, enhances performance reliability, and reduces maintenance requirements.


4. Pneumatic Ports

During a pressure decay leak test, the test product or part and a reference volume tool are pressurized with air to a specified pressure per test requirements. Once the specified pressure is reached, the test part and reference volume tool are isolated to allow for the internal pressure to stabilize. At this stage in the leak test, the differential transducer measures the pressure of both the test part and the reference volume. After the leak test has been completed, the transducer measures the pressure again and the instrument reports the difference in the pressure change from the beginning and end of the test. 

The Qualitek mR can be configured for differential pressure decay or pressure decay (also referred to as gauge decay). When the instrument is configured for pressure decay, the differential pressure transducer is removed and the port on the back is covered with a plate. The test port would then be configured to occupy of the pneumatic ports. 


5. Differential Pressure Transducer

During a pressure decay leak test, the test product or part and a reference volume tool are pressurized with air to a specified pressure per test requirements. Once the specified pressure is reached, the test part and reference volume tool are isolated to allow for the internal pressure to stabilize. At this stage in the leak test, the differential transducer measures the pressure of both the test part and the reference volume. After the leak test has been completed, the transducer measures the pressure again and the instrument reports the difference in the pressure change from the beginning and end of the test.


The Qualitek mR can be configured for differential pressure decay or pressure decay (also referred to as gauge decay). When the instrument is configured for pressure decay, the differential pressure transducer is removed and the port on the back is covered with a plate. The test port would then be configured to occupy of of the pneumatic ports.

6. Auxiliary Ports

The differential pressure transducer module is designed to accept a test line connected to the test port, as well as an optional reference volume tool. This configuration is ideal for paired testing or testing components with volumes exceeding the instrument’s internal volume capacity. 
The "Metered Volume" port is utilized to connect a reservoir of a known volume, facilitating accurate testing of sealed components by ensuring a controlled reference volume. 
The vent port is equipped with a sintered metal filter, which efficiently vents air from the instrument upon test completion, maintaining system integrity and preventing pressure build-up within the instrument ensuring a safe environment for performing tests and disconnecting the product or part.

7. Communications Ports

With our leak and flow testing instruments, communication for results output or automated system control are issues and pain points of the past. 
For example, our Qualitek mR is equipped with multiple communication ports enabling users to choose the best output function for their environment.  

•    Digital Input/Output (I/O): Interfaces the instrument with external devices, such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs), enabling remote test initiation and coordination of downstream equipment based on test results. For example, the instrument can transmit a signal to the PLC to operate a part marker or activate another device in response to the test outcome.
•    Ethernet Connector: Supports various control protocols and allows integration of the instrument into a network, enabling data storage on network drives for centralized data management and analysis.
•    USB Printer Port: Enables direct connection to a printer for immediate printing of test reports and screen bitmap files, streamlining documentation.
•    USB Port: Provides connectivity for portable USB drives, facilitating data transfer, program updates, and configuration management.
•    Serial Port: Allows connection of serial devices, supporting legacy systems, or specialized equipment requiring serial communication.
•    Digital Output Connector: Offers an expansion option to increase the number of digital outputs, enhancing system flexibility for controlling additional external devices.
•    Digital Input Connector: Provides an expansion option to increase the number of digital inputs, enabling integration with more external sensors or control signals.


What's next?

In part 5b we will guide you through choosing a leak test the fits your needs. Stay tuned for upcoming posts in our The Beginners Guide to Leak Testing series:

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